Safety of Children in the Library Policy

The PEI Public Library Service welcomes children to enjoy its programs, resources, and spaces. Staff are trained to assist children and families in using the Library, but cannot assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of children. Library policies and services are designed to provide a safe and welcoming environment for members of all ages, but parents, guardians, and caregivers need to use the same caution with their children at the library as they would in any other public setting. Parents, guardians and caregivers are ultimately responsible for the behavior and safety of their youth in the library.

A parent is a person who is either the natural, adoptive, or foster parent of a youth. A guardian is a person with legal responsibility for the care and custody of a youth. A caregiver is a person age 12 years or older to whom the parent/guardian has given responsibility for the care of a younger child. An unattended child is a child under the age of 10 who is unaccompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver.

Parent/Guardian Responsibility for Children’s Behaviour and Safety

Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or caregiver while in the library. In larger libraries, caregivers may need to stay within the same area depending on the age and maturity of the child. Youth age 10 and over may use the library unattended.

Parents, guardians or caregivers responsible for children engaging in unsafe or disruptive behavior in the library may be asked to remove their child from the library for a period of time. The presence of a parent, guardian or caregiver may be required for youth of any age who engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior in the library, and youth may be asked to leave the library for a period of time. However, children and youth are encouraged to return, with staff taking a fresh-start approach to subsequent visits.

Unattended Children

If a child under the age of 10 is left unattended in the library, staff will attempt to contact a parent/guardian. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time, staff are authorized to call the police. A staff person will stay in the building with the child until a parent or police arrive.

Protection of Children

Adults may be asked to leave the Children’s area of a library if they are not using the Children’s collection or accompanied by a child. Library staff members are obligated by the PEI Child Protection Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, C-5.1) to report to Child and Family Services any concerns of physical, emotional or sexual abuse of youth who are or appear to be under the age of 18 years.


Published date: 
March 6, 2023