Member Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

Together, all Islanders – including library members and library staff - are responsible for making sure the Library is a safe and welcoming place for everyone.


Member Responsibilities

Respecting the environment

Please respect Library facilities, properties, staff members, and community members through your words, actions, and behaviours when accessing the Library online or in-person. In turn, library staff are committed to always championing a respectful and inclusive environment.

Respecting privacy

Library users are welcome to film and record their Library visit on a Smartphone or personal device. Please respect the privacy of customers and staff, asking permission before including them in your photos, videos, and audio recordings.

If you wish to film or photograph inside a Library for professional or commercial purposes, prior approval from the Library is required.

Proper conduct

Conduct that is illegal, disruptive, unsafe, and/or inappropriate that prevents the enjoyment of the Library by others, or interferes with Library operations, is not permitted. This list includes, but is not limited to:

  • Soliciting, canvassing, unauthorized selling
  • The use of strong scents and odours
  • Unreasonable noise
  • Sleeping
  • Refusal to follow library rules
  • Inappropriate attire for a public space, such as no shoes/shirt, etc.
  • Personal items that interfere with others’ use of the space
  • Presence of non-service animals in the library, except for special programs with manager approval
  • Failure to supervise children in accordance with the Safety of Children in the Library Policy
  • Any discrimination based on race, religion, place of origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
  • Damage of property, vandalism and/or theft
  • Harassment of any kind; including physical altercations, verbal abuse, threats, and/or intimidation
  • Engaging in sexual activity of any kind, sexual harassment or indecent exposure
  • The sale, consumption or visible intoxication of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Smoking and/or vaping while on the library’s premises
  • Open possession of a weapon (including anything designated or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage) or threats made with a weapon
  • Viewing illegal, obscene and/or offensive images on computer screens in accordance with the Internet Terms of Use Policy


Library Staff Responsibilities

The Library and our staff members are committed to uphold the above policy in a fair and respectful manner. The Library reserves the right to limit access to services or request that individuals leave the Library's property. Individuals barred from one library facility will be barred from all library premises.

Illegal activity, including damage to Library material and property, may result in cost recovery charges and/or prosecution.

Library staff may request to inspect bags and carrying cases. The Library is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.

Library staff reserve the right to call the police, emergency and/or social services when a member’s conduct endangers the health and/or safety of themselves or others.


Published date: 
June 28, 2024