Forage Insurance

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

2024 Forage Plan Changes

The following changes were made to the Forage Plan for the 2024 Crop Year:

  • Elimination of September from the drought portion of coverage
  • Adjustments to the drought triggers
  • Unit price for drought payments increased from $90/acre to $150/acre
  • Termination of proxy crop coverage component of Forage Plus Plan

The Forage Production Plan is a weather-based plan which covers pasture, green manure, hay, silage, and forage seed. Indemnities for lack of rainfall or excessive moisture are calculated by data collected from designated provincial weather stations. P.E.I.AIC uses 12 weather stations that are monitored and maintained by the Department of Agriculture for the purposes of the Forage Insurance Program. Only weather stations approved by the Board shall be used for the purposes of the program. 

A producer can choose either:

  • Forage Basic - (drought) disaster coverage for forage crops; or
  • Forage Plus Quality - additional coverage for quality losses to hay, silage, and forage seed crops. 

For more information, see the AgriInsurance Agreement

Weather Stations

The table below includes the name of the 12 weather stations used for the Forage Production Plan and their coordinates.

Weather Stations and Corresponding Coordinates

Name      Latitude Longitude
"Dover" 46.02057 -62.64005
"Harrington" 46.34403 -63.15544
"Johnston's River"    46.25954 -63.00314
"Kensington" 46.44211 -63.6363
“Mount Hope” 46.362945 -62.499923
“Mount Royal” 46.69432 -64.22698
"New Glasgow" 46.41522 -63.32593
"O'Leary" (Mill River) 46.73893 -64.16499
"Orwell" 46.154455 -62.836671
"Souris" 46.4238 -62.26188
"Tryon" 46.25273 -63.5763
"Tyne Valley" 46.59863 -63.97821

Click here to view Campbell Scientific's weather station data cloud and the Forage Region Map.

Looking for additional information?



Date de publication : 
le 3 Novembre 2023
la Société d’assurance agricole de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard with hands and plant image

Renseignements généraux

Société d’assurance agricole de l’Î.-P.-É.
7, promenade Gerald McCarville
Kensington (Île-du-Prince-Édouard)
Téléc. : 902-836-8912

Adresse postale : C.P. 400
Kensington (Île-du-Prince-Édouard) C0B 1M0


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