511 - Road Conditions

PEI 511 is a free traveller information service, operated by the Government of Prince Edward Island, that you can access via phone, mobile device or computer.

If you are within PEI, you can access the information via phone toll-free by calling 5-1-1, similar to how you would call 9-1-1 for emergencies or 4-1-1 for directory assistance.

Call 5-1-1- or visit PEI 511

Is this service accessible in every region of PEI?

Yes, all you have to do is call 511 for free or visit the PEI 511 website.

What kind of information can I get from PEI 511?

PEI 511 is your only official source of transportation information necessary to plan safe trips across PEI. You can also report weather conditions or an incident on PEI's major highways.

If I have a breakdown or an emergency on the highway, can I call PEI 511 for assistance?

Call 911 for any emergency.

Where does the information provided on PEI 511 come from?

Highway Maintenance staff across the province regularly update the information provided through PEI 511.

How much will it cost me to call PEI 511?

If you are in PEI, use of the PEI 511 service is free.

Can I access PEI 511 while driving?

Yes, as long as you are using a hands-free telephone device and the voice-activated 511 function.

The use of hand-held devices with a telephone function, such as cell phones or smart phones is prohibited when driving. Distracted driving legislation is in effect in PEI.

How can I get information on the condition of a highway in neighbouring provinces?

You can find links to neighbouring road report information on the PEI 511 website. The 511 telephone component also provides road information contact numbers for other areas.

How can I report a highway problem or any other maintenance issue?

You can contact your county dispatch office.

PEI road reports disclaimer

The Prince Edward Island Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DTI) attempts to provide the best service reasonably available, but situations will occur that disrupt service or cause misinformation. The material presented on the PEI 511 website cannot be guaranteed as to accuracy or timeliness. Under ideal conditions, images reload every 30 to 40 minutes, but this information depends on a number of items, including Internet availability, communications networks and computer equipment which are beyond the control of DTI and difficult to predict.

Because weather, road and traffic conditions change rapidly, drivers are in the best position to perceive such conditions and adjust their driving accordingly. If you rely on information presented on the PEI 511 website, you do so at your own risk, and neither the Province of Prince Edward Island, DTI nor any of their employees or agents shall be liable for either the accuracy of this information nor any actions taken based on the information.

Published date: 
December 12, 2022
Transportation and Infrastructure

General Inquiries

Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
3rd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street,
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5100
Fax: 902-368-5395

Access PEI/Highway Safety Head Office
33 Riverside Drive
Charlottetown, PE
Phone: 902-368-5200

Road-Related Inquiries: roads@gov.pe.ca

All other Transportation and Infrastructure inquiries: DeptTI@gov.pe.ca

Report Transportation Problems
