Library Suspensions Policy

When a library member’s behaviour threatens the health and/or safety of library staff or other members of the public, or if the member’s behaviour violates any of the library’s rules and/or policies, access and use of the library’s facilities and services may be suspended.


Suspension Authority and Process

All library staff have the authority to issue 1 day suspensions. Longer suspensions will be issued by a library supervisor.

Before suspensions are given, library staff will approach the individual(s), request that the inappropriate behaviour stop and explain why that conduct is considered unacceptable. If the behaviour persists repeatedly after a verbal warning(s), the member may be asked to leave the library for the remainder of the day. For more serious behaviour, an automatic suspension may be issued.

If suspended for longer than 1 day, affected members will receive a paper trespass notice citing the rationale for the suspension and its duration. Paper trespass notices may be issued by facility security staff, library supervisors, and/or the police – depending on the situation and the nature of the offence.


Suspension Lengths

Below are minimum suspension lengths for specific behaviours and inappropriate conduct. Information on appropriate conduct can be found in the Member Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct Policy.

Depending on the nature of the behaviour and the overall situation, the length of a suspension may be longer. Discretion will be applied in contexts that involve juveniles, those with cognitive disabilities, and other relevant situations.

Depending on the nature of the suspension, library staff may ask a member to review the Library’s Member Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct Policy before being allowed to return to the library facility after their suspension period is completed.


Minor Suspension Lengths




Minimum Suspension Length

Minor inappropriate behaviour/non-compliance (i.e. sleeping, refusal to follow library rules, unreasonable noise, etc)

1st occurrence - 1 day

2nd occurrence - 1 week

3rd occurrence - 3 months

Visible intoxication (drug and/or alcohol)

*Library staff may call the police automatically if concerned for library member’s health and safety.

1st occurrence - 1 day

2nd occurrence - 1 week

3rd occurrence - 3 months

Consumption and/or open possession of alcohol, marijuana, or marijuana paraphernalia

*Open possession refers to any receptacle used to contain a substance that has been opened, has a broken seal or the contents of which have been partially removed or consumed.

1st occurrence - 1 day

2nd occurrence - 1 week

3rd occurrence - 3 months

Major Suspension Lengths




Minimum Suspension Length

Selling alcohol and/or drugs in the library

1 year

Significant property damage

1 year

Harassment (physical altercations, verbal abuse, threats, and/or intimidation)

1 year

Open possession of a weapon or threats made with a weapon

*Includes anything designated or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage

1 year

Any illegal activity

*Along with suspension, any illegal activity that occurs on library premises may result in legal action. 

1 year

Published date: 
June 28, 2024