Minister's Advisory Council on Lifelong Learning

The Minister of Education and Early Years is responsible for the administration of the Education Act, for ensuring the provision of education services through the Department and the education authorities, and for overall leadership of the education system in the province. This includes early childhood education, the public school systems, and matters relating to post-secondary and adult education. In support of these goals, the Minister’s Advisory Council on Lifelong Learning (Council) has been created to provide the Minister and Deputy with input and policy advice on the department’s responsibilities.

What is the function of the Council?

The mandate of the Council is to provide insight and actionable advice to the Minister of Education and Early Years on how best to support learners and advance learning excellence as a continuous lifelong process, from the early years through K-12 public education, post-secondary and adult learning.

The vision of the Council is that all Islanders realize their full potential and prosper through a culture of lifelong learning.
In its work, the Council will focus on supporting and promoting skills development and learning opportunities throughout all stages of life to advance the long-term wellbeing and prosperity of Islanders.

The Council has been created so that its members may draw on their own experiences and perspectives to advise the Minister and Deputy Minister on matters such as:

  • priorities, strategic directions, operational changes and initiatives being considered by the Department of Education and Early Years;
  • approaches and opportunities to best prepare learners to embrace learning as a continuous lifelong process; 
  • opportunities to integrate government social and employment services in support of learners and their well-being throughout their lifespan; and
  • pathways to employment, leadership, and citizenship for all Islanders.The Council will develop an annual workplan in partnership with the Minister of Education and Early Years. This workplan will include a list of priority topics to be addressed during the year, developed with input from educational stakeholders.

The Council will report at least annually to the Minister of Education and Early Years and provide actionable advice on active projects, key initiatives and future opportunities related to education and lifelong learning in Prince Edward Island as presented to the Council from the Minister.

The Council will, when directed, conduct additional research on identified subject areas at the Minister’s behest, including meeting with educational stakeholders to obtain their views.

Council meetings will occur ‘in camera’, with invitations to participate extended to other individuals as deemed necessary by the membership.

With the goal of encouraging openness and free debate, all documentation of the proceedings will not disclose the views of individual members, nor shall members themselves identify the views of other members when discussing the meetings with outside parties.

Meetings will be held in-person, but may include video and/or teleconference as necessitated by individual or collective circumstances.

How many people are on the Council?

The Council consists of twelve (12) appointed members.

Two appointed members shall be chosen to serve as the co-chairs of the Council.

The Department shall designate a resource person to aid the Council members in their efforts and support their logistical needs.

What are the requirements of Council members?

There is no special background or education required, but it is expected that Council members will have strengths that include:

  • familiarity with, and linkages to, the broader social and economic context of Prince Edward Island’s learning and educational system;
  • an understanding of how learning contributes to the future prosperity and wellbeing of Islanders; and
  • demonstrated skills in communication, teamwork, and decision-making.

What are the nomination requirements?

All Island residents over the age of 18 are eligible to serve on the Council. The membership will be drawn from individuals of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Will I get paid?

Members serve on the Council on a volunteer basis. Members shall be reimbursed for their mileage to and from meetings. Depending on the time and length of the meeting, a light meal may be provided.  

What is the time commitment of the Council?

The Council will meet a minimum of three times annually, in the months of February, June, and October.

Additional meetings or activities may be undertaken as directed by the Minister.

For the first selections for the Council, members will serve terms of either two or three years, in order to stagger the expiration of membership and provide for institutional memory.

All Council members will be eligible for reappointment for a further term.

Minister's Advisory Council on Lifelong Learning - Members

Name County Term Start Term End
Sarah Adams Queens Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Kathleen Flanagan (Co-Chair) Kings Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Wendy Foote Kings Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Heidi Morgan Prince Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Aaron Sardinha Queens Sept 27, 2022 Sept 27, 2025
David Schult Queens Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Stephanie Torr Queens Sept 27, 2022 Sept 27, 2025
Gloria Welton Queens Sept 27, 2022 Sept 27, 2025
Dr. William Whelan (Co-Chair) Queens Sept 27, 2022 Sept 27, 2025
Amber Wilson Prince Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Pei-Ru (Nancy) Wu Kings Sept 27, 2022 Sept 27, 2025
Jay Baglole Queens Sept 27, 2024 Sept 27, 2027
Sobia Ali-Faisal Queens Dec 20, 2022 Sept 27, 2025

How can I apply?

If you wish to serve as a member of the Council, you can apply online through Engage PEI.

Who can I contact about this board?

John Cummings
Department of Education and Early Years
Executive Director of Educational Services
Tel: (902) 314-0091

Sterling Carruthers
Department of Education and Early Years
School Health Specialist
Tel: (902) 438-4134

Published date: 
September 4, 2024
Executive Council Office

General Inquiries

Executive Council Office
5th Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

General Inquiries:
Phone: 902-368-4502
Fax: 902-368-6118

Engage PEI Inquiries: 

Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
Engage PEI