Accessible Library Services

Image of a person reading materials in alternative formats

The PEI Public Library Service offers a wide variety of materials in alternative formats for individuals with print disabilities.

What is a print disability?

A print disability is a learning, physical or visual disability that prevents a person from reading conventional print.

A print disability can include a:

  • Learning disability: An impairment relating to comprehension
  • Physical disability: The inability to hold or manipulate a book
  • Visual disability: Severe or total impairment of sight or the inability to focus or move one’s eyes

What is CELA and what do they offer?

CELA stands for the Centre for Equitable Library Access and it is a national not-for-profit organization made up of public libraries across Canada.

By partnering with CELA, the PEI Public Library Service is able to access CELA's collection of materials in alternative formats for Islanders with print disabilities. 

What library services are available for print disabled Islanders?

  • Through the library's partnership with CELA, Islanders can access their collection of accessible materials online or physically through special audiobook CDs called DAISYs. DAISYs are available at the Charlottetown Library Learning Centre in Charlottetown and a mail-out DAISY CD service is offered through Library Headquarters - which mails DAISYs directly to the homes of participants for free. Patrons can search and place requests on the library's collection of DAISY CDs through the online catalogue.
  • The library also loans out DAISY players for the public to borrow.
  • The Public Library Service offers a number of Envoy Connect players that can be borrowed by Islanders with a print disability.

      What is an Envoy Connect Player?

The Envoy Connect Player is an easy to use and portable device for reading accessible audiobooks. This small device has a simple and intuitive layout and offers users another choice for how they access books from CELA. This device can be mailed to CELA to be reloaded with new titles, or it can be reloaded by downloading books or magazines directly from your CELA account via the free computer software, CELA Connect. This software is simple and does not require advanced computer skills, allowing users to get new books quickly and easily without having to wait for mail deliveries. 

How do I access these services?

There are a variety of ways to register for the library's accessible services:


Published date: 
July 10, 2023