PEI Food Waste Reduction Strategy

This survey is now closed

The Department of Agriculture is developing a food waste reduction strategy for PEI and inviting the public to share their thoughts on what the strategy should include. 

Why do we need a food waste reduction strategy? 

Food is essential in our daily lives. It provides the energy and nutrients that we need to live a healthy life. Food also plays an important role in our social and cultural life.

Food waste refers to food that is intended for human consumption but that is discarded at some point along the food supply chain (such as in production, processing, distribution, retail, food service, households, etc.). 

Food waste can have significant environmental, social and economic impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions, inefficient use of natural resources, economic loss, biodiversity loss and public health issues1.  

In Canada, about 58% of food produced is lost or wasted every year; 32% of the lost and wasted food could be rescued to support communities across Canada.2  Every year, the lost and wasted food in Canada creates about 56.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.2 The average Canadian household spends $1,766 on food that is wasted every year.

What is the provincial food waste reduction strategy? 

The Department of Agriculture is developing a food waste reduction strategy that will provide a roadmap for PEI to address food waste challenges in the province.  The development of the strategy will be guided by inclusive and purposeful engagement and a strong foundation of evidence.  

Project Plan: PEI Food Waste Reduction Strategy

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to develop a Food Waste Reduction Strategy for PEI to address food waste challenges in the province.

Rationale: Food loss and waste has significant environmental, social, and economic impacts. In Canada, more than half of the food produced every year is lost or wasted. In 2021, about 23.6% of people in PEI experienced some level of food insecurity. This project is initiated in response to the food waste and food insecurity challenges faced by PEI and to fulfill the government’s commitment to beginning the process of creating a provincial food waste reduction strategy. 

Process: The process will be guided by inclusive and purposeful engagement activities and a strong foundation of evidence. This process will consist of the following four phases. 

Phase 1
Issue Identification

1.1 Current state analysis is completed to understand the current food systems in PEI and key issues/challenges. 
1.2 Food Waste Reduction Strategy Advisory Committee is established to provide advice and input to the project.
1.3 Food Waste Reduction Strategy project webpage is launched to engage with and collect feedback from the public.
Phase 2
Research and Engagement
2.1 Engagement sessions with partners who are involved in food supply chain and food services are hosted to collect feedback and input.
2.2 What We Heard report is developed to summarize the findings from public feedback and engagement activities.
2.3 Policy research on best practices is completed to inform the development of the strategy.
2.4 Recommendations based on findings from research and engagement are presented to senior management. 
2.5  Additional research and consultations are completed (depending on outcomes of previous activities).
Phase 3
Strategy Formulation
3.1 Draft of PEI Food Waste Reduction Strategy is developed.
3.2 Public feedback on the draft of PEI Food Waste Reduction Strategy is collected.
3.3 PEI Food Waste Reduction Strategy is finalized and presented to the senior management for approval.
Phase 4
Implementation and Evaluation
4.1 An implementation plan is developed.
4.2 Communication and implementation tools are developed to support implementation (depending on the needs).
4.3 A performance monitoring and evaluation plan is developed and executed.

How do I participate?   

  • Online Survey 
    The survey is now closed.
  • Written Submission 
    Submissions are now closed. 


If you have any questions about the food waste reduction strategy, please email


1 Commission for Environmental Cooperation. (2017). Case Studies on Food Loss and Waste in North America. Montreal, Canada: Commission for Environmental Cooperation

2 Gooch, M., Bucknell, D., LaPlain, D., Dent, B., Whitehead, P., Felfel, A., Nikkel, L., Maguire, M. (2019). The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste: Technical Report. Value Chain Management International and Second Harvest. Ontario, Canada.


Published date: 
August 15, 2024

General Inquiries

Department of Agriculture
5th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street,
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-4880
Fax: 902-368-4857

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1-866-PEI FARM (734-3276)