Buy a Hunting Licence Online

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

It is illegal to hunt or snare wildlife in PEI without a valid hunting licence. PEI hunting licence applications are available for the current season starting September 1st. To hunt migratory birds such as Canada geese and black ducks, you must also hold a current federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit.

Before a PEI hunting licence will be issued, you are required to:

Use the online form below to apply for a hunting licence online, or purchase a licence from a PEI local hunting vendor

Once your application is processed, your licence will be sent to the email address you provided. You must print and sign the document and have it available for presentation upon request. 

What is the fee for a PEI hunting licence?

The cost of a PEI hunting licence will calculate automatically according to permit type and conservation fund annual fee (if applicable) as follows:

PEI resident licence cost: 

  • Youth (age 12-17) – game hunting no fee, furbearer hunting $5, snowshoe hare snaring $5
  • Resident (age 18-59) – game hunting $5, furbearer hunting $5, snowshoe hare snaring $5
  • Senior (age 60+) hunting no fee, furbearer $5, snaring $5   

Non-PEI resident licence cost (18+): 

  • Seasonal: $75 
  • Three consecutive days only: $60 

Annual Conservation Fund (Fee will not be added if applicant has already contributed for current year.)

  • Youth (age 12-15) no fee 
  • Resident (age 16-64 $20
  • Senior (age 65+) $13

If you already have paid the Wildlife Conservation fee for the current year (ie, for a fishing licence), you do not have to pay for it again in this form, but you must keep a copy of the fishing licence with you when you are out hunting.

Where am I allowed to hunt on PEI?

Most of PEI is privately owned so you should have the owner’s permission before crossing and/or hunting on private lands. Public lands are open to hunting unless otherwise posted.

What are the common game species on PEI?

Common Upland Game Species

Common Migratory Bird species

Can non-residents hunt alone?

No, Non-PEI residents are required to hunt with a licensed PEI resident hunter or a registered hunting guide. Contact a licensed PEI Hunting Guide or Outfitter:

For information about bringing firearms to Prince Edward Island, refer to Firearms Office.

What do I need to complete the hunting licence application online?

You will be asked to provide:

  • Detailed identity and contact information, including your date of birth
  • Hunter Safety Certification number, i.e. PEI Wildlife Card (green or orange) or other provincial or state-issued Hunter Safety Certificate (This certificate is not required for a snare-only licence.)
  • Hunting licence information:
    • PEI Resident licence: 
      • Hunting type, i.e. game hunting, furbearer hunting or snowshoe hare snare; and 
      • Licence type, i.e. youth (age 12-17), Resident (age 18-59), Complimentary (age 60+)
    • Non-PEI Resident licence: 
      • All-ages seasonal; or 
      • All ages three-day consecutive (hunt for waterfowl, furbearers or upland game). 
  • Fee payment, calculated according to licence information

How long will it take to get my licence?

As soon as you complete your purchase, a valid licence will be sent to the email address you provided. Please print, sign and carry with you when hunting.  

Am I a PEI resident? 

For the purpose of a hunting licence, you are considered a PEI resident if you:

  • Lived in the province minimum six (6) months before applying;
  • Participate in a PEI educational training program (minimum three-month duration) and lived in the province the two weeks immediately prior to applying;
  • Resided in the province minimum six months immediately prior to participating in educational training outside the province;
  • Lived in PEI for the purpose of employment for an aggregate period of six months within the 12 months before applying; or
  • Were born in PEI and own real property in the province.

What are the requirements for youth to hunt on PEI?

Youth (residents and non-residents 12-17 years of age) require a free Hunting Licence.

Youth under 16 are not required to purchase a Wildlife Conservation Fund Licence.

No youth shall use or carry a firearm except in company with a parent or guardian, subject to the provisions of the Firearms Act and Criminal Code. Youth who are 16 or 17 years of age can apply to the PEI Firearms Office for a minor's permit which will allow them to hunt alone on conditions outlined in the permit.

Are there changes or restrictions for hunters this year?

For information on hunting rules and regulations including changes and updates, consult the annual Hunting Summary (4MB).

Where do I report illegal hunting?

To report illegal hunting activity, report a violation to a conservation officer.


Le présent service accepte les paiements faits avec Visa, VISA Debit, MasterCard et Debit MasterCard.

Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique

Renseignements généraux

Division des forêts, de la pêche et de la faune
Pépinière J. Frank Gaudet 
183, chemin Upton
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-6450

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