Seasonal Extension Tourism Product Development Fund

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The 2024/25 Seasonal Extension Tourism Product Development Fund provides assistance to PEI tourism businesses and will be administered through a joint partnership between Tourism PEI (TPEI), Regional Tourism Associations (RTAs) and Destination Management Organizations (DMOs), including:

Program Details

The goal of the program is to incentivize tourism operators to create and develop inspired ideas and new product offerings that will support tourism across PEI and grow Prince Edward Island as a multi-season tourism destination. The following are examples of desired program outcomes:

  • create more reasons for visitors and Islanders to visit regions outside of the peak tourism season,
  • ability for businesses to sustain operations and retain staff,
  • reduce risk for operators to try new initiatives,
  • enable RTAs/DMOs to round out the product mix during non-peak times,
  • directly impact restaurants, accommodations, retailers, experience providers and/or attractions, and
  • develop new product offerings to create a strong shoulder season brand for PEI and to showcase PEI as a multi-season tourism destination.

What level of funding is available?

Maximum eligibility for any one operator is $7,500 (non-repayable) regardless of number of projects proposed. Funding must be used fir fall, winter and/or spring initiatives, during the period of October 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025, 

Consulting fees for the development of new tourism-related products are eligible to a maximum of 25% of awarded funding or $1,875.

What is the eligibility for operators?

  • Applicants must be from either the for-profit or not-for-profit sectors as well as a member of the RTA/DMO to which the application is addressed.
  • Preference will be given to tourism business/organizations that are open a minimum of two weeks longer than any previous three years of operation, or each year open if operational for less than three years.
  • Year-round tourism operators may be eligible the application clearly conveys how the new product offering will meet program goals.
  • The tourism establishment must be licensed under the Tourism Industry Act as hotel, motel, bed and breakfast, inn, resort, cottage operation or campground,
    • establishment must be used for business activity and not, whole or in part, for primary residential purposes, unless operation is a bed & breakfast or inn.
    • for a cottage operation, the owner must have more than one cottage unit.
    • a bed & breakfast or inn, where the owner resides to assist with operations, must have a minimum of three (3) guest bedrooms with each having a minimum of one semi-private bathroom assigned for the exclusive use for no more than two (2) parties. 
  • Business owners and not-for-profit organizations must contribute a minimum of 15% of total project cost.
  • Marketing expenses related to the funded project are eligible.
  • Business owners and not-for-profit organizations are responsible for all financial risk associated with the initiative.
  • Business owners and not-for-profit organizations must meet all requirements of all federal and provincial legislation and municipal by-laws.

Are RTAs and DMOs eligible for funding?

Yes, projects led by a RTA or DMO are eligible for funding up to a maximum of $7,500.

What is not eligible?

  • Any non-Canadian or publicly-traded company or a company owned by the same are excluded.
  • Corporate-run operations of a franchise network with establishments located outside of PEI are excluded.
  • Public sector organizations are not eligible (federal, provincial, municipal governments, development corporations, and crown corporations).

What are the application requirements?

  • One-page application that describes the proposed initiative, intentions to package other spring/winter/fall assets with the funded project (if applicable), how it will benefit tourism development in the non-peak season and the budget.
  • Tourism business/organizations must show proof of being open at least two weeks longer than any previous three years of operation, or each year open if operational for less than three years,
  • Year-round tourism operators must clearly convey how new product offering will meet program goals.
  • Business owners and not-for-profit organizations must contribute a minimum 15% of total project costs; to be submitted built into proposed budget.
  • Business owners and not-for-profit organizations must make application to the RTA/DMO where the business is located, not where the corporate office is located, e.g. a tour company that operates across the province should apply to the RTA/DMO where the office is located. If no office exists, operator must pick one RTA/DMO and cannot apply to multiple.
  • Activities and events funded through this program, must list the respective RTA/DMO as a partner, and where applicable, create a Facebook event and make the respective RTA/DMO a co-host to enable additional promotion.
  • Successful applicants are encouraged to use other social channels to promote their activity and/or event and list/tag their respective RTA/DMO and Tourism PEI in posts.
  • Programming that expresses a commitment to shoulder-season extension and a desire to explore these as annual events will receive priority, and
  • Preference will be given to those who demonstrate packaging opportunities that create a cluster of fall/winter/spring products.

What is the timeline?

  • Projects must be completed by May 31, 2025.
  • Recipients must invest a minimum of 15% of total project costs.
  • Eligible costs begin from the date of an applicant's approval to May 31, 2025.

What must be reported?

  • All recipients must provide a final report to the respective RTA/DMO on how the funding was used and the results of the initiative.
  • Claims must be supported by invoice and proof of payment.
  • Any transaction must be completed between two parties operating at arm’s length.

How to apply

Submit a one-page application to your regional DMO or RTA with the following information:

  • description of proposed initiative,
  • intention to package other winter assets (if applicable),
  • benefit to tourism development in the non-peak season, and
  • proposed budget.
The Government of Prince Edward Island cannot guarantee funding to all applicants, nor can the government ensure that the total amount requested by the successful applicant will be granted.
Date de publication : 
le 13 Septembre 2024
Tourisme Î.‑P.‑É.

Renseignements généraux

Tourisme Î.-P.-É.
Immeuble Shaw, 3e étage
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Ligne d'information pour les visiteurs : 1-800-463-4734 
Réception du Tourisme Î.-P.-É. : 902-368-5540 
Ligne de soutien pour l’industrie 1-866-213-7521

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