Recreational Campfires

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.
Recreational campfires are currently allowed, with permission of the property owner and subject to local bylaws. 

Under certain conditions, fire closure orders may prohibit recreational campfires due to high risk of wildfire. Notice will be posted here if a fire closure order is in effect. 

If you reside within a municipality, contact your local city, town, or village government office to ensure you abide by local requirements.

When you start any recreational campfire, you are responsible for assessing the risk, controlling fire spread, and covering any damages or costs that may arise from that fire. 

Before lighting a recreational campfire:

  • Confirm that your municipal bylaws allow outdoor fires,
  • Make sure conditions are suitable in your area at the time of your fire,
  • Make sure you have immediate access to a working landline or charged cell phone to call 911 if the fire begins to spread, and 
  • Practice proper fire etiquette and safety outlined below

Recreational campfire etiquette and safety:

  • You must own the property or have the property owner’s permission to have a recreational campfire,
  • If you are at a licensed tourism establishment, you must have the permission of the owner/operator,
  • If you are in an incorporated town, village or city you must meet the burning bylaws of that community,
  • Use a suitable fire structure to contain fire to a small area, i.e. fire pit or stone fire break,
  • Have plenty of water, a shovel or other fire suppression tools on hand before you start the fire,  
  • Add small amounts of material at a time to help keep your fire small and under control at all times,
  • Burn only small pieces of unprocessed wood, i.e. sticks and branches. Do not burn construction waste, boards, household waste and other products, and
  • Fully extinguish your recreational campfire before leaving the fire site. Check by holding your hand over the site to feel any heat from live embers. Smother with water or sand to fully prevent a spark re-igniting to flame.

Prepare for safe burning before you begin:

  • Ensure you have reliable and immediate access to your local fire service in case of emergency,
  • Have shovels, spades and rakes and plenty of water to control spreading and completely extinguish the campfire,
  • Create firebreaks around brush piles by raking down to mineral soil, wetting the area, mowing grass plowing soil,
  • Select a safe burn site away from buildings and other flammable materials,
  • Keep the fire small (maximum 0.5m in diameter),
  • Continuously monitor to ensure the fire is contained to its defined space, and
  • Do not leave the site until the fire is completely out. Check any hot embers and be sure to douse them with water or bury them.
Date de publication : 
le 7 Juin 2023
Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique

Renseignements généraux

Division des forêts, de la pêche et de la faune
Pépinière J. Frank Gaudet 
183, chemin Upton
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-6450

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